The game Project CARS was created by the British studio Slightly Mad Studios. Representatives of the gaming community took part in the development of the game. Players invest money, ideas and their vision for a new game. This game is in the genre of the autosimulator.
Release Name: Project CARS Release Date: 2015 Version: Full Game File: Torrent Platform: Microsoft Windows (for PC)
Developer(s): Slightly Mad Studios Publisher(s): Bandai Namco Games Genre(s):RacingSimulation
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Project CARS review
About a hundred racing cars, several race modes, about 35 international racing tracks expects the player. The player can control both the real transport and the fictional. In the game Project CARS Free Download, developers provided a very modern physical model of the machine's behavior on the track. The game is perfect for beginners. You can start playing, starting with kart racing, and then becoming a Formula 1 racer. A player can take part in races with various car brands. For example, he can only participate in competitions for BMW. The graphics in the game are very realistic. Machines are like real ones. The rider can easily track the state of his vehicle without leaving it. In one mode, the player can choose the car he likes and go to any country to participate in the race. The rider chooses the number of rounds and rivals himself. Management is very sensitive here. The player earns money and gets new opportunities.
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/7/8/10
Processor: Intel Core i7 or AMD Phenom II X4
Memory RAM: 4 GB
Storage: 20 GB
Graphics: DirectX 9 graphics card with 2 GB video RAM
Project CARS - eSports Package
Project CARS - Logitech Liveries
Project CARS - US Race Car Pack
Project CARS - Workshop Tool
Project CARS - Special Ridge Racer Car Pack - 011
Project CARS - Renault Sport Car Pack
Project CARS - Japanese Car Pack
Project CARS - Classic Lotus Track Expansion
Project CARS - Aston Martin Track Expansion
Project CARS - Stanceworks Track Expansion
Project CARS - Old Vs New Car Pack
Project CARS - Audi Ruapuna Speedway Expansion Pack
Project CARS - Racing Icons Car Pack
Project CARS - Modified Car Pack
Project CARS - Limited Edition Upgrade
Features RePack
Version: Game of the Year Edition v.
Tablet: (3DM|ALI213|CODEX)
Type: Repack by Lets Play
How to install Project CARS game
Disable antivirus software! He can delete the necessary files for the game!
Download the torrent and run the torrent client
Wait for the game to load
Open the folder with the game and run “Setup.exe”
Follow the instructions of the installer
Play and enjoy! * The game language can be changed in the game interface!!!
Project CARS Free Download Torrent
Date TorrentDownloadSize
12 May 2017
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