Superhot: Mind Control Delete

Superhot: Mind Control Delete Poster

Superhot: Mind Control Delete is a SUPERHOT Team shooter released on July 16, 2020. The third part retains and improves the innovative gameplay of the original. The main feature is that the passage of time begins only when the character moves. In a motionless state, it is convenient to assess the situation, calculate each step, and then begin to act.

Release Name: Superhot: Mind Control Delete
Release Date: 2020
Version: Full Game
File: Torrent
Platform: Microsoft Windows (PC)


Developer(s): SUPERHOT Team
Publisher(s): SUPERHOT Team
Genre(s): Shooter
Video review

Superhot: Mind Control Delete review

The levels represent a small arena with enemies and weapons placed on it. The task is to kill a certain number of enemies. The layout of the rooms and their content is randomly generated. At each stage, the player is given two or three attempts, depending on the chosen abilities. Because of this, wounds are no longer fatal, this is also an innovation.

At the start, you can choose from one of two random amplifiers that give an increase in speed, additional cartridges, and so on. As soon as the number of lives is over, the player will return to the start. New opponents have been added that require an individual approach: someone explodes on death, others are partially invulnerable. In the later stages, special, invulnerable bosses come into play. They can be distinguished by their unique appearance.

Expanded into Superhot: Mind Control Delete and Arsenal. There was a laser rifle that kills instantly, ricochets and the ability to pull cold weapons out of corpses for reuse, as well as space distortion, have been implemented. Weapons are divided into firearms, cold and throwing weapons. If necessary, you can fight with your bare hands.

Scenes of action are stylistically diverse: a bar, a laboratory, a dojo, a yakuza lair, a sewer, a gym, a church, and an Egyptian excavation.

The visual style of the game has not changed at all. These are the same low-poly models, the vulnerable parts of the body are painted in red, and the walls are cold white. Screenshots
System Requirements
  • OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core2Quad Q6600 2.40 GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB
  • Graphics: GeForce GTX 650 1024 MB
  • Storage: 1.84 GB
Features RePack
  • Version: v. L1.0.3
  • Tablet: Not required
  • Type: License by GOG
How to install Superhot: Mind Control Delete game
  1. Disable antivirus software! He can delete the necessary files for the game!
  2. Download the torrent and run the torrent client
  3. Wait for the game to load
  4. Open the folder with the game and run “setup_superhot_mind_control_delete_1.0.1__l1.0.3_(40626).exe”
  5. Follow the instructions of the installer
  6. Play and enjoy!
    * The game language can be changed in the game interface!!!

Superhot: Mind Control Delete Free Download Torrent

Date TorrentDownloadSize
28 January 2021
Superhot: Mind Control Delete.torrent
5 427 1.84 GB
Rating: 4/5 (3 voted)
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