One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 is a new action series based on the anime of the same name from Koei Tecmo, published on March 27, 2020. The story once again sends on adventures familiar from manga and anime. Players will take part in the events of Alabasta, Enies Lobby, War of the Whitebeards, On the Road to the New World and Whole Pie Island. Also, new adventure details will be revealed that were not included in the original source.
Release Name: One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 Release Date: 2020 Version: Full Game File: Torrent Platform: Microsoft Windows (PC)
Developer(s): Koei Tecmo Publisher(s): BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Genre(s):Action
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One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 review
Each chapter takes place in a separate large location, divided into districts. Before starting each of them, it is proposed to choose a hero from the list of available ones. You can only choose from those who are related to the events taking place, so the list changes at each level.
Each pirate has his own weapons, techniques and fighting style. Features and special techniques are flexibly configured to achieve the greatest efficiency in battle.
Traditionally for the genre, the player on the field is greeted by crowds of opponents who effectively fly away from the blows of a sword, fist, and other weapons. This beating is interrupted from time to time by the more challenging boss battles found in each region.
Air combos are an innovation in the new part. Performing them, the heroes rise into the air, dragging everyone around them, and delivering blows, being meters from the ground. During the battle, special attention is paid to interaction with the environment.
Objects are destroyed and cause damage to all careless, the bodies of enemies are thrown off by blows for a considerable distance and, finding a wall on their way, destroy it, which effectively demonstrates the enormous strength of the protagonists. Each of them is insanely strong in its own way. Each has an individual leveling tree based on techniques and super hits.
The style of One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 is fully consistent with the original. Many scenes have been recreated in the game engine. For those unfamiliar with the series, a detailed encyclopedia is provided.